Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tech Stuff: itunes Subscriptions?

As much as I love gadgets, I have never owned an ipod. It's not that I don't like them, I've just been on an ipod boycott. The reason is because I have been waiting for Apple to come out with a Subscription service, so that I wouldn't have to buy each song individually. I have used Napster and Yahoo for the last three years instead. If you're new to this subject you can read where I wrote about it here. Last week I was going to give an update on the status of the subscription model for music when I saw this article. But today, I read this article and this post about the fact that Apple may be coming out with a subscription plan of their own. Now I know it's too early to get giddy, but it's the first glimmer of hope I've seen on this. I guess my boycott is making a difference!! I knew I had the power to bring "the man" to his knees. :) I will make this promise. If Apple does come out with a subscription service, I will end my ipod boycott THAT DAY and buy one! Until then, long live Zune, Napster, and Rhapsody!


Anonymous said...

Welcome home, my friend. Welcome home.

Steve Jobs.

Anonymous said...

We all knew it wouldn't be long till you left the dark side and joined the light!!!

"P. Munoz" said...

This IS great news. Especially since I've been feeling a lurking sense of fool-hardyness after you, Aaron and Aubrey have all sung the praises of the (gulp) Zune...